Lower Bettolina pass (2906m), trail 1

from Stafal to Lower Bettolina Pass

Alpe Bettolina at 2375m

Alpe Bettolina at 2375m

Trail 1 starts from Stafal (1840m) and arrives at Lower Bettolina Pass (2906m). It is 4708m long and the total positive elevation gain is 1088m.
The approximate time for the ascent is 3h15. The trail is rated of difficulty E.

Trail 1 is one of the least traveled trails in the valley, so it is reserved for those who want to go on a solitary hike with a well-founded probability of not meeting a soul from start to finish.

In addition to the end of Trail 1, lower Bettolina pass is also on Trail 9, which reaches the Quintino Sella Refuge. Trail 1 is therefore an excellent alternative should one wish to arrive at the Quintino Sella Refuge along a decidedly wild trail, where the only signs of modernity are those we carry with us.